Project Management
Expand your company’s offerings by hiring an independent contractor to manage projects which may be beyond your usual range of services or would overwhelm your schedule. Whether the production requires weeks of planning, preproduction, and fabrication or requires a single day of work, projects can be outsourced to Dickinson Design or, in some situations, executed entirely under your existing brand. Extensive experience in client contact, team management, and various other coordination tasks ensures your project will run smoothly. Vehicles, tools, shop space, and staffing can be provided, or we can work with your existing resources.

Production Design
Design conceptualization, renderings, and technical drawings can be generated for any or all aspects of your production. Scenic, lighting, sound, and video designs are executed for a variety of production styles including theatre, dance, corporate meetings, or product rollouts and tours. With experience in all of the major areas of production, a single tightly-integrated whole can be developed. Consolidating these elements with one designer ensures the unifying theme (design concept) of the production is preserved and that there is never any interference or friction between production elements.

Multimedia Production
Offering services in the areas of video production and editing, 3D animation, audio mixing and creation, and other pre-production tasks that must be completed before the installation of a live event. Multimedia projects are executed in a fully-equipped video and audio production suite, captured with professional quality cameras and microphones. Other related services include graphic design, website design, multimedia mailers and presentation materials such as interactive CDs, and touch screen content development. Promotional materials, handouts, and interactive presentations designed to match thematically and integrate technically with any production.

The physical creation of sets, props, and mechanical effects. Fabrication can be executed on-location (with or without the use of a fully mobile scene shop), in your shop, or at in-house facility. Techniques include structural framing, fabrication in wood and steel, finish carpentry, and other finishing techniques such as spray foam, faux painting, carving, and vacuum forming. Projects undertaken often include multimedia integration such as pre-wiring for sound and video, installation of screens and speakers, or design and installation of mechanical effects such as revolves and lifts.

Skilled Staffing
Trained professionals in a variety of fields are available at competitive hourly, daily, and weekly rates. Individuals can be hired to work under your brand, or a full staff can be assembled to handle an entire production. Available positions include designers, carpenters, welders, painters, light and sound board operators, cameramen, followspot operators, stage managers, technical directors, recording engineers, and stagehands / grips. Any person hired to staff an event will be dressed presentably in professional clothes suitable for the event, be that running blacks, business suit, or carpenter’s jeans.

Event Hosting
Many live events benefit from a trained Master of Ceremonies. Whether on stage or simply via public address, events are hosted using a prepared script or on-the-spot improvisation. Vocal training and extensive experience with corporate production lend an air of professionalism to your event. The MC’s tone and manner can be customized to your needs; from Hollywood-award sophistication to MTV-style attitude. Related services include voice over, narration, and on-screen hosting.